How To Export APK File Of Application From Google Play with Android Emulator

Yauheni Pakala
2 min readFeb 7, 2018


If you have Android Emulator with Google Play Services then you may install x86 packages of applications from Google Play. And you may export this application as APK file.

Firstly, you need to launch Android Emulator and ADB tool.

For example, we’ll install Telegram X to Android Emulator:

Telegram X on Android Emulator

Check ADB:

Telegram X has org.thunderdog.challegram package name.

And now we’ll get a path to the APK of application:

adb shell pm path org.thunderdog.challegram

Now we’ll get APK from file-system of emulator to computer:

adb pull /data/app/org.thunderdog.challegram-1/base.apk TelegramX.apk

Now open APK as Zip-archive, and look at package structure:

Telegram X package content

That’s All.



Yauheni Pakala

I’m a software engineer. I’m a fan of technology, web development, and programming.